Thursday, 29 October 2009
New bad habits
The good news is that the new "Rupert-proof" bin is proving to be a success. After 5 days, I haven't yet found it upturned, or the floor scattered with rubbish. Frustrated in his bin-raiding habits, though, Rupert does seem to be taking out his frustrations by raiding the cupboard shelves for chocolate biscuits, stock cubes, baking powder and anything else that looks like it might make a mess! Now let's hope that he doesn't teach the kittens how to use the pedal...
He's long expressed an interest in the fridge, and unfortunately this week he's also discovered that it's actually not as a big a leap as he'd thought. The net result - if I don't watch out, he jumps in the fridge like a flash when I open it! (See how in the short time it took me to take the photo, the little rascal had already jumped in and tried to make off with the end of a piece of cheese?)
Monday, 26 October 2009
If you've got 'em, flaunt 'em
Back in May 2007, Jen, Janet and I spent a few days horseriding in Ashcroft. Looking through my Lightroom catalogue, I just happened upon the photos, and noticed that I had something of a cowboy boot obsession going on.
Labels: family, photography, travel
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Choral Evensong - The Hague and Haarlem - 25th October 2009
I'm just home from a joint choral evensong in The Hague, sung by the choirs of The Hague and Haarlem. Although I'm not technically a member of either choir, I have associations with both, so I also had the opportunity to join them for the service.
For me it was quite a nostalgic service. Not only to be singing back in The Hague, where I was a member of the choir for 3 years, but also in the choice of music, since the responses, anthem and canticles were all pieces which I learnt in my first summer with Bowdon Choir, and are firmly entrenched in my memories of my first cathedral trips with the choir.
- Introit: God be in my head, Nicholson
- Responses: Ayleward
- Psalm: 34, Lloyd
- Canticles: Purcell in G minor
- Anthem: Hail Gladdening Light, Wood
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
VNF West - Foto van de maand
I took along some photos from my trip to Slovakia in May, and managed to find something to fit each one of those categories.
I was very pleased at how well the photos were received, and even more pleased by the fact that one of them (the first "Just plain crazy" shot) was voted photo of the month.
Abstract - Hrebienok Waterfall (see here, and here)

Labels: photography
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Choral Evensong - 3 October 2009
- Introit: O Lord, the Maker of all Thing, Mundy
- Reponses: Radcliffe
- Office Hymn: Lucis Creator
- Psalm 143
- Canticles: Gibbons short service
- Anthem: O Thou, the central orb, Wood
Labels: choir